Michelle Strombeck's Blog

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The origin of the flowers

I keep getting questions about the flowers on my blog. Why did I get them? Who were they from? Why were you in Florida? The questions abound.

So, here's the story. I was in Florida on a work trip,and one day I came back to my hotel room to find the most lovely roses! It was a week before Valentines, and they were from a man I was "getting to know" in Minnesota. After a couple of months of calling and burning up frequent flier miles, we are now officially dating. Apparently the flowers worked! :)

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

My Favorite Quote For Today...

"I hate to be whiny, but it is my money."

Says Mr. Dursky from Iowa who can't get his money out of his 401K account due to account managers freezing accounts


More To Come...

I've had several people comment on the fact that I haven't been updating my blog in a while, and apparently enquiring minds want to know:

-How my trip to Ireland was?
-Who the flowers were from?
-Am I dating someone?
-Why I don't have more pictures posted
-And finally...Am I dating someone?

So, now that I know that people actually do read my blog, I'll try to be more diligent in actually updating it. Answers are coming....stay tuned! :)