Michelle Strombeck's Blog

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Great Quote

Begin. The rest is easy!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Fear-Part 2

As I've been thinking about this whole issue of fear, a pastor at a church I visited yesterday talked about it in his sermon. I rarely take notes in church, but I was writing like a mad woman yesterday.

In actuality, his focus was on the difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is dependent on our circumstances, whereas joy is really a mindset and runs much deeper.

He said something which stuck with me, and that was:

The Opposite of Joy is Fear.

I lost my notes, OF COURSE, so I can't expound right now on all the points. But basically, if you can figure out what is robbing your joy, you'll banish fear, and find joy!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Fear is a funny thing

I was talking with my friend Michael about fear. He mentioned to me that on the other side of his fear was the gateway to everything he wanted in life.

Why is fear so paralyzing?

If what he says is true, why is it so hard to just start walking thru that door?