Michelle Strombeck's Blog

Thursday, March 29, 2007


The In-Between Time: How Well Do We Wait
by Kristin Huffman

Life makes us wait. We wait to get our braces off, to finish school, to learn what colege accepted us. We wait to marry; for our children to be born, grow up, leave home...then we wait for them to call. We wait in line at the grocery story, post office, airport. We wait in the doctor's office. We wait to die.

As much as we hate it, waiting often is when we learn how to trust God. We are forced to depend on Him and not on ourselves. At life's stop signs we recognize that we are not in control of the universe and God is.

How do we wait? We can grow annoyed and impatient, and angy. Or we can choose to grow into an intimate, dynamic relationship with God.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

An Onion Floating In Water

The crinkle of your eyes

Your sleepy gaze

A knowing smile
