Michelle Strombeck's Blog

Friday, August 11, 2006



from the time I got to work, until the time I went to bed, all I heard about is "the terrorists. " My stomach was in knots, and I was slightly nautious all day. In a weird turn of events, I have more friends traveling and living in Europe this summer, than ever before. I started to worry, just like my Mom would, about everybody I know who is there.


I'm plain angry. Somebody asked me if I was going to see the new movie out this weekend, The World Trade Center. I remember going with a group of friends to see Flight 93. I remember being tense, having a headache, and feeling sick most of the movie. However, more than anything I was mad. I kept thinking to myself over and over, "How Dare They Do This To Us?"

People talk alot about righteous anger, and I don't know if what I'm feeling is righteous or not. And I'm sure many would say that this arrogant attitude is why people around the world don't like Americans. However, 5 years later, I still think the same thing, and it still makes me angry.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Christian Rock gives him the creeps!

This morning I was searching for something on the web, and pulled up a portion of this article, written for Slate by Rob Long. I don't agree with all of it, but was fascinated by his take on Christian music. Here's what Rob had to say

"...the two creepiest words in the English language are "Christian rock."
I've listened to my fair share of it, too—long drive across the country; busted iPod—and there's something so weird about it. It sounds like regular bad music when you first tune in. The lyrics always seem like regular bad music lyrics, too—"I feel your body next to mine/ And that makes my whole life shine"—but after a second or two you realize that they're singing about Jesus, not some girl named Mandy, and the whole thing just seems, well, creepy. Because rock music—and most other forms of entertainment, when you really think about it—is fundamentally about carnal desire. And Jesus, when you really think about it, is fundamentally not. For the entire link, http://www.slate.com/id/2105761/

I wonder if he'd change his opinion after hearing groups like David Crowder. Probably not.

Christian rock doesn't creep me out.

Talk to any old timer, and they'll proudly tell you that "Rock and Roll Will Never Die." That may be true, but my question is: Do Rockers EVER retire? It seems every old Rock Band is getting back together for a reunion tour, and the Rolling Stones never stopped touring.

Watching a guy the same age as my dad shaking his bootie like he was 19...

that creeps me out.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Do you think that people with similar issues and fears somehow find each other in this world?

I wonder if we are drawn to people that have the same problems or struggles as us?

I'm not a psychologist, but as I've looked at the people in my life, I think this might be true. Sometimes I think this is incredibly good and providential, but then other times I think it could be destructive.

Is this what "iron sharpens iron" is all about?