Michelle Strombeck's Blog

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Save the Whales

So, I was cleaning out my work bag, and came across a wrapper that I had saved from a recent airplane trip to Minnesota. I know, it's slightly weird. Who saves wrappers? However, this was so funny I had to save it to show my friends.

I flew on Air Tran, and the flight attendant handed me a bag of what I thought was pretzels. As I took the package, I noticed this slogan printed on the outside of the package that said, "Save the Whales!"

I immediately thought: How do the "Save the Whale" people manage to get their message on everything? Even my pretzel bag.

My first thought was a flashback to childhood when I asked my parents why we didn't recycle. I remember them looking at me with very strange expressions, and asking me where I got this idea about recycling. I then launched into a mini speech about saving the planet, etc. Unfortunately, I was the "greenest" kid in my family, and my speech never really had the desired affect.

But...back to the whales.

Apparently..I had missed the small print.

The package read.

"Save the Whales.."

"...Or save them for later. Either way...we hope you enjoy them."

Turns out, what I thought was pretzels, was actually a small bag of goldfish crackers! Too funny! I laughed out loud! (Do you get the pun?)

So, now I'm trying to book all my flights on Air Tran to see what other trendy marketing things they have. Plus, they have better deals from Chicago to Minneapolis than Northwest Airlines, and their planes are actually EARLY. It's just a win-win-win!

I think they are trying to position themselves to be the next Southwest Airlines. In any event, it's working on me.

Still laughing out loud...


p.s. My friends never really thought they were that funny. My parents recycle now.