Michelle Strombeck's Blog

Monday, February 12, 2007

Countdown to Valentines Day

I was watching TV the other day when all of a sudden, two of the best looking people I've ever seen were kissing on my TV! Since Valentines Day is just around the corner, I do admit to rolling my eyes and yelling at the beautiful couple to "Stop Kissing All Ready!"

Of course, alot of commercials will show people kissing, but this one was different. It was all shot in black and white, nice romantic music was playing in the background, and, of course, the two beautiful people were expert kissers! At the end of the commerical, a website flashed across the bottom of the screen, but with no explanation about what exactly the kissing couple had to do with the website.

A couple of days later, I jumped online and checked it out. Turns out it was for Rembrandt toothpaste, you know the teeth whitening people. They had a countdown clock to Valentines Day and information on how to keep your mouth healthy, which as we all know is important, especially around February 14th.

Even though they're trying to sell toothpaste, I did learn quite a bit from my little web tour. For instance, did you know that Papaya is good for your mouth? It contains an enzyme that helps to keep your smile bright. Also, it turns out the beautiful twosome are actually dating each other, and their names are Matt and Marta.

Just in case you're wondering about the romantic music, their website even has a section for about the musician and information on ordering his latest CD. And, of course, there are also coupons you can download, for money off your next toothpaste purchase.

This is a brilliantly timed commercial, and most likely, all the romantics like me will be checking out the Rembrandt website in the countdown to Valentines. But will it actually make people like me buy their toothpaste?

Since, ALL I have on my agenda for Valentines Day is a staff meeting, I think I'll stick with my mint flavored Colgate. However, should Cupid swing his bow my way, I'll definitely be thinking about Matt, Marta, and Rembrandt!


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